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Chu Rui Intelligence has received tens of millions of strategic financing


Recently, Chu Rui Intelligent, a developer of lithium-ion battery energy storage systems, announced the completion of a strategic financing round of tens of millions of yuan, with SMIC Juyuan and Smart Internet jointly participating in this round of investment. It is reported that this round of financing funds is mainly used for product research and development, talent development, market promotion, industrial layout and other system improvement, with a focus on strengthening the upgrading, research and application promotion of high-end energy storage system products on the user side, represented by semiconductors.
It is understood that Churui Intelligent provides a comprehensive solution for specialized new energy power supply with integrated software and hardware, with the mission of assisting the national "dual carbon" strategy and focusing on serving the semiconductor industry and new energy applications in the field of defense equipment. It focuses on laying out promising new energy scenarios such as "semiconductors, defense equipment, high-end energy storage on the user side, IDC". The main products include lithium iron phosphate battery terminal products (container/cabinet/module/cell), battery management system (BMS), with ultra-high rate (20C) battery product series, ultra-low temperature (- 45 ℃) battery product series, high-performance energy storage system, etc., which has cultivated a precise control, intelligent management, universal adaptation of lithium UPS and its expanded application product ecology, which can meet the high-end energy storage Pressure drop governance and power quality optimization, peak shaving and valley filling, green emission reduction, and other needs. Chu Rui's intelligent series products have leading characteristics such as high safety, high magnification, and high intelligence, precision (voltage and current millisecond level control, ultra-low error, and low deviation), and sharpness (ultra-low temperature, minimization, SiC chips). They have become a leading international and domestic wafer manufacturer and a supplier of national defense equipment to central enterprises.